Freitag, 30. Januar 2009

63 Crayons - Spread the Love EP (2002) + Good People (2004) + Here Comes the Crayons EP

Genre: Indie Poop, Psychedelic, Space-Folk
Label: Happy Happy Birthday to Me (US)
Similar Artists: early of Montreal, early Pink Floyd, Elephant 6 collective stuff

The first records by the 63 Crayons are typical E6 Sixties Indie-Folk-Pop-on-a-4-track-tape with the difference of their use of some nice synthy- and theremein-sweeps and swooshes. It's really fun to listen to and their only aim is happieness I would say! Lot's of psychedelic effects like backward sounds, organs and refrences to early Pink Floyd, uuh uuh - aah aah's - bababahhs. Popcorn could be written and performed by Syd Barret, yes! So check out! And don't miss their great last LP posted here and here some youtube

Spread the Love EP (2002) - Tracklisting
  1. Take A Vacation 
  2. Powerlines 
  3. Emma Peel 
  4. Ben S. Pipes 
  5. Cool, Cat 
  6. Blue and Red 
Try it

Here Comes the Crayons EP - Tracklisting
    1. Here Come The Crayons 
    2. Weatherman 
    3. Blue And Red 
    4. Untitled 
    5. Go Now April 
    6. Soapy Bubbles 
    7. Ben S. Pipes 
    Try it

    Good People (2004) - Tracklisting
    1. Sam's Pancake Breakfast 
    2. Song For My Sister 
    3. Go Now April 
    4. Rocketship 
    5. Walking 
    6. Making A Mess - a.) Ascent Of The Balloon - b.) Attack Of The Evil Onions 
    7. Mrs. Brewster 
    8. One Chord For Peace! 
    9. Mice And Feathers 
    10. It's About Time! 
    11. The Mold 
    12.  a.) All Songs At Once - b.) Suzy Eats An Apple (Anaerobic Glycolysis) 
    13. Popcorn

    Try it - Buy it directly from their myspace!

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